Action Cards and Shields
This card is played in reaction to a player experiencing an negative encounter being place on their display. If this card is played all players hand in the cards in their hand and cards are shuffled into the deck. Starting with current player, players refill their hand with the number of cards they had before the whirlwind. The player that caused the whirlwind to be put in the other players display is given -2 hearts and loses their next turn.
(This is true even if the player has a Blue Shield. If this puts them with a heart score of below -1 they must surrender their Blue Shield and change their aspect to the Dark Dragon)
This card is played in reaction of any card that would cause you to lose any hearts. You can play it along side any encounter from your hand or if another player puts an encounter card in your display.
This card can be used anytime that another player is trying to place an encounter on your display. The encounter is placed on the player trying to place it on your display. Only one mirror can be used per turn.
(A player can not use a mirror in reaction to a mirror but can place a heart on top of that card or a whirlwind on their display after taking the consequence for that card.)
Encounter cards. Only one encounter card can be placed per turn.
Once a player has the -4 heart points they earn the right to have a shield card. They choice either the Red Shield or the Blue Shield. A player can exchange their shield for the opposite shield.
If they have chosen the Red Shield and another player tries to give them any heart points they can refuse to recieve them and they are wanting to stay the Dark Dragon.
If they have chosen the Blue Shield they are wanting to switch back to the Argon they started the game with. They bring back that aspect and place their clip on -1 heart. This is the lowest they can go.
After three rounds of having a Blue Shield if a player trades it for a Red Shield their trading time is done. This players job is to turn all the other players into the Dark Dragon. If at any time all the other players have Blue Shields they can vote to end the game.
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